Cindy Dunlop, IN Call to Action Endorses Curtis Hill

Mark Levin: "We are on the edge of a post Constitutional government."

Newt Gingrich: "We are on a precipice where a group of truly evil people, who are prepared to destroy the constitution and the rule of law, are doing it every day.....these people are trying to establish a dictatorship of the state against the American people."

“As an active Republican Party member, precinct committeeman, and grassroots organizer, I have worked countless hours on campaigns including Pres. Donald Trump, Sen. Dan Coats, and congressional campaigns of Hiler, Chocola, and the late Congresswoman Jackie Walorski.

“Dire times call for strong leaders. I believe there is one candidate who stands above all others in his proven and unwavering commitment to American ideals. For this reason, I am compelled to offer my support for and endorsement of CURTIS HILL for CONGRESS.

  • “Who better to fight Critical Theory, permeating and destroying our great institutions, than a strong, conservative black man?

  • Who better to deal with the abuse of law enforcement than a past Attorney General and prosecuting attorney?

  • Curtis has a national presence and is the only candidate able to have an immediate impact.

  • Curtis is articulate and convincing and has proven NOT TO CAPITULATE UNDER PRESSURE.

  • Curtis offers an incredible opportunity for all we are fighting for!”

Thank you. Please call me if you would like to discuss.

Cindy Dunlop 574-849-3686

“Curtis has been targeted because he is willing to stand against the establishment. IT IS TIME TO STAND FOR HIM, AS HE HAS STOOD FOR US!”


Micah Clark Endorses Curtis Hill


Brad Rogers Endorses Curtis Hill