Statement by Curtis: Experience to Fight

Dear Friends,

None of us could have anticipated, just a few short days ago, that we would now be simultaneously mourning the death of our friend, while contemplating the necessity of moving forward without her. But here we are - continuing the good fight for Jackie during one of the most tumultuous times in our nation's history.

Jackie Walorski was a warrior! She accepted the mantle of leadership and fought for freedom everyday. I am so grateful that she was our champion.

Though Jackie is gone, her legacy as a fighter remains and inspires us to keep pressing on.

Amidst the tide of continuous tyranny and trepidation, we now must choose our new path forward... Building off Jackie’s legacy... and building anew just the same.

In doing so, we must be mindful of our duty to choose wisely. Each person casting a vote for the successor of Jackie Walorski, represents a portion of the 732,000 people who live, work, and play in the second District of Indiana and who have the highest expectation for their representative to the U.S. House. This is not a decision to be taken lightly for any other reason than the person chosen is the best representation of the warrior to fight the battles to come.

Over the next two years, Congress will require Republicans who are battle tested individuals who have demonstrated courage to withstand personal attacks and who have the skill to prosecute corruption at all levels of government.

With a prosecutor who has 28 years of experience, the second District of Indiana will be fully armed to investigate, and if necessary, prosecute actions detrimental to the welfare of this nation.

With an attorney general, the people of the second District of Indiana will have an experienced representative who will fight federal overreach at every turn.

With a national profile, your next congressman will illuminate the most important issues of the day bringing the eyes of the nation to north central Indiana.

With your vote, for the right person, for the right reason, Jackie’s legacy will be enhanced and Indiana Republicans will continue to prove that they stand for excellence, competence, and fairness.

Very truly yours,

Curtis T. Hill Jr.


Interview: Curtis Hill with Casey Henrickson - 95.3 MNC


August 18: Curtis Hill is Guest Speaker at the Local Heroes Event in Mishawaka